Paolo Sicurella

I started at a very young age, under the wing of my father. At 19 I attended my very first workshop in Rome and specialized myself in reportage photography. I always tried to improve my skills attending more classes and workshop, making me in the end an established wedding photographer. In the last decade, I’ve been Honored to receive many international awards, like Fearless, QEP, QIP, WPS, WEP, Mifa, WPC, WPE etc. All of this gave me the chance to start my own workshops as a master, teaching other young and ambitious photographers what I’ve learned throughout my career. Photography is a wonderful art that gives us the possibility too see things from a different perspective.. And that’s why Iike to approach it with humbleness.


  • 4 Awards quest'anno
  • 26 Awards a vita


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I 10 migliori fotografi di matrimoni del 2023

Masters of Wedding Photography

I 10 migliori fotografi di matrimoni del 2023

Sono di nuovo conosciuti, i migliori fotografi di matrimonio d’Italia nel 2023….

“My favourite image was made by Paolo Sicurella”- Shaun Baker

Masters of Wedding Photography

“My favourite image was made by Paolo Sicurella”- Shaun Baker

A peek through this plain white curtain exposes a colorful, magical world to this little girl.

I 10 migliori fotografi di matrimoni del 2020

Masters of Wedding Photography

I 10 migliori fotografi di matrimoni del 2020

Congratulazioni a tutti i fotografi che sono entrati tra i primi 10 quest’anno al Masters of Wedding Photography.

Cosa dicono gli sposi?

Leggi tutte le recensioni delle coppie appena sposate su questo fotografo di matrimoni.